10. Applaud. Praise and validate the role players' work. Thank them for their contributions. Point out where they used the learning points and how it led to a successful outcome. Applaud them for taking the risk of role playing.
11. When "failures" happen, focus on the process rather than the person. When role players don't follow the learning points, say (for example), "Well, that certainly put him in his place. What might be some of the drawbacks to handling it that way?" Discuss the behaviors. Have the role players try the same situation again, with suggestions from other participants. Thank the role players for providing good material for discussion. After all, the whole group will learn from things that don't work out as well as from those that do.
Role plays can be a great teaching tool, with your help. You can design, introduce and facilitate them so learners:
- Know what they're supposed to be doing
- Aren't afraid of being judged
- Feel free to experiment and have fun
With less anxiety and more targeted learning, who knows? Maybe role plays will become your company's favorite learning technique.
Reprinted with permission from Training Today.