We have two fantastic interactors who demonstrate flooding and its solutions, and of course they're riveting. But there's also a lot of information on the physical signs and symptoms of flooding that I have to convey at the beginning of the workshop. Last time we did it, a participant complained about the "lecture" (!), so I wanted to tinker with this section to see if the 10-minute rule might help keep the learners more engaged.
I redesigned this chunk it so that I changed direction about every 9 minutes, bringing in the interactors, discussion, etc. I also made sure that I explained BEFOREHAND exactly how the information would be useful to the learners. (I'm an awful nerd sometimes, and I tend to get enthusiastic and not notice that listeners may be thinking, "And you're telling me this WHY?")
The redesign worked beautifully! In fact, one of the participants, commenting on the half-day program as a whole, said, "I don’t think any of us were bored for even one second."
Granted, most of this was due to Ta-Tanisha Jordan and Jack Hickey (pictured above), and their skill at demonstrating conflict and calm. But at least I didn't get in their way!
Photo: Jill Brazel