Friday, December 26, 2008
Holiday reading
Just in case you somehow missed them, I strongly recommend Gladwell's other books, The Tipping Point and Blink. He's got a wonderful way of twisting the common wisdom and helping us look at the world - and our minds - in a fresh way that nevertheless resonates with experience. Gladwell's blog is fun, too. Check it out - and have a happy and enlightening New Year!
Pic via Swiss Miss
Monday, December 22, 2008
It's been several months of new projects and exciting work with (mostly) eager learners. Giving technical presentations, keeping calm under stress, leadership and diversity have been some of Workplace's topics lately. With our last training date of the year just last Thursday, it's been a busier-than-usual December.
But now...ahh! Some time to kick back and catch up a bit on the reading. I promise to share.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Good words
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Face facts
I'm trained as an actor, and actors have long understood that assuming a facial expression can create the emotion associated with it. Try it right now. Allow the inner edges of your eyebrows to rise up. Feel the corners of your eyes pull down. In other words, make a sad face. And stay with it for a little. Suddenly feeling sad?
Now look at the kid in the picture. Grin along. Feel better?
As Carl Zimmer says in the Discover piece, "When humans mimic others' faces...we don't just go through the motions. We also go through the emotions."
What implications does this have for communications training? It's fascinating to think.
Photo by CARF, Creative Commons
Friday, October 17, 2008
Bad blogger. Bad. Bad!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Good words
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Let me hear your body talk...
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Good words
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Frogs and ears
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Blog crawl
How sleep, practice and testing consolidate memory on Sharp Brains.
More on power naps from the Boston Globe.
Everyone wants leadership development, but what are leaders without followers? Harvard Business School's blog reviews the new book Followership by Barbara Kellerman.
And the wonderful Jonah Lehrer in "Grape Expectations: What wine can tell us about the nature of reality":
Enjoy!The human brain, research suggests, isn't built for objectivity. The brain doesn't passively take in perceptions. Rather, brain regions involved in developing expectations can systematically alter the activity of areas involved in sensation. The cortex is "cooking the books," adjusting its own inputs depending on what it expects.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Good words
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Old dogs and new tricks
Monday, June 23, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Son of my laptop ate my brain...
I've decided to get back to reading books, at least an hour a day. (Shocking to make a program of something that used to be a guilty pleasure!) I hope to renew my ability to sit still and lose myself in nuanced material, without craving a hyperlink to another story, and then another, and then just one more...
Join me? Let me know how it's going for you. I'm heading back to Pierre and Natasha, and that little rat Napoleon.
Monday, June 16, 2008
My laptop ate my brain...
That's what Nicholas Carr's fascinating article in the current Atlantic Monthly explores. Carr writes:
Bruce Friedman, who blogs regularly about the use of computers in medicine, also
has described how the Internet has altered his mental habits. “I now have almost
totally lost the ability to read and absorb a longish article on the web or in print,” he wrote earlier this year. A pathologist who has long been on the faculty of the University of Michigan Medical School, Friedman elaborated on his comment in a telephone conversation with me. His thinking, he said, has taken on a “staccato” quality, reflecting the way he quickly scans short passages of text from many sources online. “I can’t read War and Peace anymore,” he admitted. “I’ve lost the ability to do that. Even a blog post of more than three or four paragraphs is too much to absorb. I skim it.”
Uh-oh. My copy of War and Peace, bookmarked at page 390, has been staring at me sadly for several months now. How could I leave Pierre at the mercy of his steward for so long?
I think Carr may be on to something. How about you?
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Good words
Friday, May 30, 2008
Talkin' about your generation
Lots of stuff in the media lately about the Millennials (aka Generation Y), the latest age group entering the workforce. Workplace Productions has been doing programs on generational diversity for a while now, so I'm always interested in new theory about differences in learning styles, ethics, working patterns, and so on. Having a daughter in this age cohort adds to the fascination. But so far, I'm not impressed with the analysis.
Last Sunday, 60 Minutes reran a pretty unflattering story about young people in the workforce. Oh, they mentioned in passing that many of this generation are hardworking, skilled and smart. But then the story went on to depict Millennials as "narcissistic praise hounds" who expect trophies just for showing up. (See? Didn't you just know those soccer banquets would ruin your kid's future?)
They don't like to be bossed around. They put family and friends above loyalty to employers. And they intend to keep looking until they find a job they can really love.
Shocking! Where do they think they are -- America?
Okay, I may be a little biased. But most of the young people I know are passionate, kind, idealistic, and very willing to work hard -- for causes that mean something to them. What's wrong with that?
There's an odor of sour Boomer over all this. We seem to be chastising the younger folks for the very ideals and priorities that we had at their age. If we gave them up for Hummers and summer homes, it isn't the Millennials' fault.
The workplace has been moving away from the factory model and toward more humane and creative culture for years now. (We training folks have been helping it get there.) "I suffered, so you should suffer too" is a pretty destructive attitude.
So instead of yelling "Get off my lawn," maybe business should invite the kids over to play. After all, it's not really our lawn. It's the village green, and it belongs to all of us.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Good words
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Memorial Day
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Good words
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Learning watch
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Good words for the first of May
The Middle
by Ogden Nash
When I remember bygone days
I think how evening follows morn;
So many I loved were not yet dead,
So many I love were not yet born.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Kid in a candy store
Monday, April 14, 2008
Learning watch: new research
Scientists aren't sure if these differences persist into adulthood, but the research suggests that males rely more on sensory vision and hearing centers in working with language, while females use more abstract brain regions for the same tasks.
The result is that how information is given -- through the ear or through the eye -- is more important to males than to females.
In your workshops, have you noticed any differences between men and women in processing language? Are visual aids stickier for one gender than for the other? What's the best way to get your message across?
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Good words
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Good words
Thursday, March 27, 2008
11 Ways Trainers Can Create Terrific Role Plays: Part Four
10. Applaud. Praise and validate the role players' work. Thank them for their contributions. Point out where they used the learning points and how it led to a successful outcome. Applaud them for taking the risk of role playing.
11. When "failures" happen, focus on the process rather than the person. When role players don't follow the learning points, say (for example), "Well, that certainly put him in his place. What might be some of the drawbacks to handling it that way?" Discuss the behaviors. Have the role players try the same situation again, with suggestions from other participants. Thank the role players for providing good material for discussion. After all, the whole group will learn from things that don't work out as well as from those that do.
Role plays can be a great teaching tool, with your help. You can design, introduce and facilitate them so learners:
- Know what they're supposed to be doing
- Aren't afraid of being judged
- Feel free to experiment and have fun
With less anxiety and more targeted learning, who knows? Maybe role plays will become your company's favorite learning technique.
Reprinted with permission from Training Today.
Monday, March 24, 2008
11 Ways Trainers Can Create Terrific Role Plays: Part Three
4. Focus on a small, important piece of behavior. Don't try to do too much in a single role play. If you're training people in a process, work it section by section. For example, in sales training, focus on establishing rapport, then on asking probing questions, etc. -- perhaps with different participants playing the salesperson in each section.
- 5. Don't be afraid of "negative models." You can inject a lot of humor -- and learning -- into a workshop by asking people to "do everything wrong." For example, in the customer service situation, ask the person playing the rep to come up with three bad ways to handle the complaining customer (such as sounding bored, using sarcasm, and shouting at her), and then let the participants discuss why those approaches didn't work -- the consequences of not using the new learning. You can generate a lot of energy with this exercise, and the humor helps break the ice for further role playing.
6. Take role players off the hook. Tell them, "You're not you in this role play, you're somebody else just like you." Refer to the character by another name, not the role player's name. Creating distance between the character and the self means participants don't have to own any errors they make -- they're not really "their" mistakes. Sometimes it helps to set role plays at a fictional company similar to the real one.
7. Strive for a better -- not a perfect -- interaction. Let participants know that you'll applaud any success, even a small one.
8. Bring a sense of fun to the exercise. Keep it light. People learn better through humor, liveliness, and enjoyment.
9. Share the risk. Let role players work in teams, sharing solutions and coaching each other. Have the team come up to the front, so the person who is actually doing the role play can turn to his team for advice. Have team members replace each other in the role, as in tag-team wrestling, so no one has to do the entire exercise by herself.
To be continued...
Thursday, March 20, 2008
11 Ways Trainers Can Create Terrific Role Plays: Part Two
1. Be specific. Most role plays fail because they're too general, and people don't know what to do. Choose the circumstances of the role play carefully. Fill in lots of detail. For example, if it's customer service training, don't just ask someone to play a complaining customer. Tell the role players exactly what the issue is: "You're a credit card customer who asked last month to have an erroneous charge removed from your bill. You just got the new bill, and the charge is still there." And to the person playing the customer service rept: "Two people are out sick, and you're covering for them, even though you should have gone to lunch a half-hour ago. The last person you talked to hung up on you." This level of detail helps role players believe in the action. They're less likely to be distracted by their own nerves or by others' reactions.
2. Make the role play situation important to the characters. The stakes should be high. For example, a valuable employee is ready to quit because his manager never recognizes his achievements. The manager already has been warned by her boss about too much turnover in her department. When the outcome is important to the characters, the exercise has more energy and interest for the role players and for those watching.
3. Target the learning points. Make sure the situation you choose will make the role players deal with the behavior you want to reinforce. Because new learning feels uncomfortable, most role players will try to avoid acting it out. Close the escape hatches by picking a situation that must be solved by putting the learning points into practice.
To be continued...
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
11 Ways Trainers Can Create Terrific Role Plays: Part One
Monday, March 17, 2008
Flying lessons
A few years back I wrote an article for the magazine Training Today called "11 Ways Trainers Can Create Terrific Role Plays." I drew on our years of experience working with the form to help people use this great learning tool more effectively with the resources on hand.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Good words
Cracking the Curse
Stories are how our brains work. We can understand more by a quick anecdote than by dozens of charts and graphs. Stories supply context.
Basically, we unboil the message our knowledge has boiled down. We're using a kind of mental shorthand internally -- but it's meaningless to those who haven't shared with us all the experiences that created our understanding. So we have to talk in terms that we both understand. Add vividness and credibility, and you've cracked the Curse.
I love shop talk of all kinds, and I'm fortunate that what I do allows me to learn a little bit about a lot of different businesses. It's not only fascinating -- it keeps me humble. Listening to a lineman, a university administrator, a shift nurse, I get a glimpse into another person's world. It's clear that they know things I can only guess at.
My task as a learning designer is to find the common place where our different mindsets can meet. In my experience, it's stories that take us to that place.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Good words
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Curses! Foiled again!
That Snidely Whiplash-like phrase means that once we know something, we can't imagine the state of mind of someone who doesn't know it. And it's a curse, all right.
The Curse of Knowledge is what's operating when we sling the training lingo around. We're standing up there, staring at learners who are blinking blankly back at us. They don't know what we're talking about, and we can't figure out what's not to understand. But it's more than just a jargon gap.
When we're under the Curse of Knowledge, we assume that everyone has the same information we have. And the more expert we are in any subject, the further we are from the true mindset of the people we think we're communicating with, because we've been immersed for years in material that may be brand new to our listeners. When we understand something in our bones, it's hard to imagine that others don't get it at all. As Chip Heath and Dan Heath say in Made to Stick, "you tend to communicate as if your audience were you."
I've found it quite useful to be alert for the Curse of Knowledge in my life. I look for signs that I've made assumptions, and that my communication may be foiled again.
How to dispel the Curse? More on that in a later post.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Good words
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Good words
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Stuck on you
The title of the 2007 book grabbed me, of course, because Workplace Productions has been using the phrase "Learning that Sticks" for five years or so. And as a designer and facilitator of adult learning I'm always looking for new ways to make ideas and skills memorable.
And what a treasure this book is! It's written using its own principles: simplicity, unexpectedness, concreteness, credibility, emotional appeal, and stories.
I'll be discussing aspects of it here (even though the orange cover clashes with my color scheme), and I'd love to hear your thoughts on the Heaths' practice-what-you-preach manual.
So grab your copy, and over the next couple of weeks we'll talk about how these ideas relate to workplace learning. Stick around.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Good words for Valentine's Day
Monday, February 11, 2008
Good words
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Anniversary Waltz
Thanks to our wonderful clients and especially to our great team of interactors. We love working with you.
And we never get tired of hearing participants say, "This was the best training I've ever had."
Friday, February 8, 2008
I'm recommending...
Growing Great Employees: Turning Ordinary People into Extraordinary Performers
By Erika Andersen
Reviewed by Beverly Feldt
Say you’re a manager. The people who report to you are pretty good, but there are a few problems, of course. You’ve had some management training from your company – mostly focusing on theory, rather than practice. Some of the approaches you’ve learned are useful, when you can remember them in time. But often you run on instinct, and often you regret it later. You recall vague terms such as “core competencies” and “coaching for performance.” However, it’s kind of a jumble in your mind.
You’ve even read a few books on management, but most of them are either too simple or too abstract. Usually they tout one skill, such as listening, as the cure for all workplace ills. You’d give a lot for a clear, well-organized manual on the people side of management.
Got $15.00?
Growing Great Employees (Portfolio, 2006) might be the handbook you’ve been waiting for. It’s the best management training book I’ve seen.
Beautifully organized, comprehensive and straightforward, Growing Great Employees is better than its title. (And don’t be put off by its unifying metaphor, gardening, which appears mostly in chapter headings and introductions.) Erika Andersen, founder of the consulting firm Proteus International, has put 25 years of experience into a reader-friendly, meaty guide to “all that people stuff.”
In admirably clear language, Andersen covers an astonishing amount of material: the hiring interview, TRACOM’s Social Styles ™, delegating, positive and corrective feedback, performance agreements–even how to fire someone. There’s a guide for making sure new employees start out well; a technique for discovering the key responsibilities of a job; a model for changing your own mindset to become a better coach. Each topic is discussed step by step and illustrated with dialogues and case studies. Diagrams and models are lucid, logical and easy to follow. Every chapter ends with a page of “Big Ideas” that summarizes the main points just covered.
Even more useful are the many practical exercises throughout the book. Called “Try It Out,” these experiments cover actual practice (using listening skills in a real conversation), planning (writing out statements and questions you might use in a corrective feedback session), analysis (filling out a job description template) and self-assessment (determining your preferred learning style). There are checklists and charts, and even space to write in the book.
But what makes Growing Great Employees a true handbook – and truly useful – is its structure. In the introduction, Andersen offers a summary of each chapter, acknowledging that many readers might not choose to read the book “in a straight line.” Since reading non-fiction books out of order is a secret vice of mine, I was delighted. What’s more, throughout the book Andersen provides references back to earlier chapters as needed.
For example, in Chapter 4, during a discussion of non-verbal signals, she writes, “…if you’re reading this book out of order, at this point you might want to go back and read the first chapter, where we focus on listening skills.” This interconnected approach, reminiscent of hyperlinks on a website, makes the book much more accessible if a reader is trying to work through a particular management problem.
Throughout each chapter, there’s a personal flavor, as if you were having a private consultation with Andersen. The tone is positive, down-to-earth and specific – a welcome change from most management books, which seem either to oversimplify or to wallow in impenetrable jargon. Growing Great Employees does neither.
Non-gardeners may roll their eyes a bit at chapter titles such as “Staking and Weeding” and “Some Plants Don’t Make It,” but Andersen has a charming way of laughing a bit at her own tendency to push the metaphor. (She says in the introduction, “I intend to wring every last drop [from the gardening image] by the end of the final chapter.”) It’s not really a gimmick; it’s more of a useful trellis on which some prize roses grow.
Is Growing Great Employees for you? It’s worth a look. As productivity demands increase and hierarchies flatten, hiring and keeping good people becomes crucial. As Andersen says, “Most of the things that make employees want to work for a particular company can be provided by a skillful manager. I can help you be that kind of manager.” I think she’s right.
Reprinted with permission from Perdido: Leadership with a Conscience, Vol. 14, No. 3, ©2007 Trinity Foundation.